Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Why can't I just be in LOVE?!

So Scott and I have been gradually telling family and friends about the engagement and the news has been well received overall, except for one thing - a few people have asked if we're getting engaged because I'm pregnant! I am not of course and that is so far from happening it's almost funny. We aren't even looking at a wedding until 2008!

Why is it that some people assume that just cause we're both 20 that means that something must've happened to trigger the commitment rather than 'just' being in love??

Is society convinced that college students are so immature that any commitment must have some ulterior motive? Is it actually true more now than in the past?

Years ago 20 was pretty normal to be getting married, but with college becoming a more normal activity after high school and the idea of 'finding yourself' and such before settling down, marrying age has increased to something like 25 or 27 and now everyone thinks 20 is 'too young'. Has our society really changed so much in the last 30 to 40 years that we aren't able to make well informed decisions until our mid 20s? I guess it kind of makes sense - college is now the time to learn how to be on your own, rather than jumping straight from HS to work and all the responsibilities that entails.

I remember that a lot of people thought I wouldn't be able to handle living off campus as a freshman because I wasn't mature enough, but I proved them wrong. My parents had faith in me and it worked out well, but what if I was a 'normal' college student used to being taken care of and with little concept of financial responsibility and being in charge of oneself? I probably would've failed miserably and destroyed my credit in the process.

Maybe people are justified in their thoughts that college students aren't generally 'old enough' to decide on life changing things; I'm sure that Scott and I aren't average and thus we are the exception to this more and more common point of view, but still, sometimes people baffle me.


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