Thursday, November 10, 2005

One of Two

I'm sitting here by myself, wishing that my other half was here and contemplating what that means. It wasn't that long ago that I was happy being by myself completely for hours on end. I loved being able to do whatever whenever and have no interruptions that I didn't create myself. I couldn't understand why some girls pined for their guys when they were apart and I couldn't imagine myself being that twitterpated. Now I'm more like one of those girls! Yea I like being on my own every once in a while, but more often than not, I'd prefer being with Scott, even if it's just hanging out while we both study. When I take Maggie hiking I think about how nice it would be to have Scott along too, when I'm sitting in front of the TV I think about how much I love it when it's the two of us curled up on the couch, etc. etc. etc.

You know what's funny? I have no idea when this changed or really how - I mean I've always been independent and my own person and that really hasn't changed, I'm just happy being one of two now - however I got there.


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