Sunday, November 20, 2005

3 weeks!

Wow, Saturday marked 3 weeks since the engagement! On one hand it's hard to believe it's been that long, but on the other it seems like we've been engaged forever.

I still need to tell my extended family - there's just something slightly intimidating about doing that. I think it may just be that I've told all the people whose reactions I can predict for sure and now the people I'll be telling are kind of an unknown quantity, which can be unnerving at times. I don't think any of my relatives will react negatively, but it's stil an unknown quantity.

I wish Scott could come to Christmas w/ the family in Ft. Wayne - I think that they'd really like him and he'd fit in well, but he has to have surgery on his foot and thus obviously can't make it to The other side of the state the day after or something like that. I guess we'll just have to go to Ft. Wayne later in 2006 so they can all meet the great guy I 'caught'. :)


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