Saturday, February 11, 2006

Reflections on Valentine's Day

Last night I was listening to the radio on my way home from running errands and heard something I found rather sad. The radio person was a woman, talking about VDay, and she said something along the lines of "romance and normal expressions of love aren't enough for women to know their guy loves them, we need gifts for that". OMG that's a scary idea! I like VDay now that I have someone to share it with (hated it when I was single after the valentine swap ended in jr. high lol), but I wouldn't be upset if I didn't get anything other than a hug and kiss and a sincere "I love you the mostest" - the gifts are nice, and I love thinking up ideas for what to get Scott, but they aren't everything by any means.

This year I came up with a great idea for what to get Scott and it's currently in motion as we speak; I love the process that goes into gift selection lol. I have no idea what he's getting me, but I know it fits in a medium sized gift bag since I took him to Wal Mart to get something to put the gift in. :) I'm sure I'll love whatever I get - Scott knows me and always seems to find something neat - and I'm pretty sure Scott will really like what I got him.

Everyone says that VDay is a Hallmark holiday, totally made up by the card companies to get more money, but I don't know if that's necessarily true. Certainly in this day and age, the VDay card business is booming, but why give up and just say it's a commercial holiday? Why not acknowledge the connection but be happy with being able to have a whole day that makes us stop and think about those we love and how we can do more for them?

Granted, we should be thinking of those we love more than once a year, but in our hectic lives, sometimes it's nice to have a specific day as a reminder to keep it up year round.

Ah well, I guess I'm a hopeless romantic, just not the commercialized version. :)

Thursday, February 02, 2006

I miss my Blanketor!

Yea I'm referring to Scott. :) He's decided that he is a Blanketor 4000, and that's why he must hog the bed when he stays over. It's this whole inside joke now between the two of us and he's been bugging me to write about it for WEEKS! He's so cute about it though; he'll look at my board or look at me when I mention writing something in the blog and just happen to mention that I need to write about it (it's still on the dry erase board in blue ink). I decided tonight would be good 'cause for some reason I'm missing him horribly and I happened to look at the board at the same time. lol

I love how he comes up with the oddest ideas out of the blue - like the Blanketor 4000 and me being an Erinosaur (long story) - it always makes me start laughing. Scott's sense of humor is what really attracted me to him I think, it's always a ton of fun to hang out with someone that can make you laugh, no matter how you're feeling or what happened during the day before, and who is pretty unpredictable usually; life would be soooo boring without being crazy for at least some part of every day I think.