Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Here's what I was talking about on the "Cute Couple" post; this is an AIM convo from tonight:

ME: i updated the blog again...still haven't found a way to work in the blanketor 4000 tho lol


ME: oh and i just got around to posting the entry from a few days ago I had saved as a draft cause I ran out of time to do it lol

SCOTT: was it the one about the present?

ME: yea


ME: lol you like the updates?

SCOTT: i do

SCOTT: pookie

ME: honeybear

SCOTT: boo-boo-kitty-f*ck **AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is actually used as a pet name in a movie Scott and I saw, hence it's inclusion in the game**


ME: good one snookums

SCOTT: thanks sweet pea

ME: np darlin'

SCOTT: lol

***5 mins later...***

ME: oooo did I beat ya?

SCOTT: no i just didn't feel like doing it anymore

ME: yea sure

ME: if you say so

ME: i know I won tho

SCOTT: yeah in your dreams

ME: hey i won by default regardless cause you stopped the name calling

SCOTT: no you didn't

SCOTT: there's no such rule

ME: is too

ME: its in my manual

SCOTT: nope

ME: yea

ME: you dont have a copy so how do you know?

SCOTT: how do you know i don't have a copy?

ME: cause it's limited release

ME: only one copy made

SCOTT: uh huh right

ME: and i have it

SCOTT: sure

ME: yea exactly - I'm right and you know it!


ME: lol whatever just don't want to admit that I beat you....again hehe

SCOTT: no you didn't beat me

ME: how do you figure that?

SCOTT: because you didn't win i just stopped playing b/c i didn't feel like it

ME: yea but i still won by default and how do i know that you decided to quit? you didn't say anything at the time

SCOTT: i don't care what you know... i know i decided to quit

ME: hahahahaha

ME: i still won

SCOTT: no you didn't

SCOTT: no you didn't

SCOTT: no you didn't

SCOTT: no you didn't

SCOTT: no you didn't

SCOTT: no you didn't

SCOTT: no you didn't

SCOTT: no you didn't

SCOTT: no you didn't

SCOTT: no you didn't

SCOTT: no you didn't

SCOTT: no you didn't

SCOTT: no you didn't

SCOTT: no you didn't

SCOTT: no you didn't

SCOTT: no you didn't

SCOTT: no you didn't

SCOTT: no you didn't

SCOTT: no you didn't

ME: yes i did to infinity to the infinity power

ME: hehe

ME: i won again!

SCOTT: nope

ME: yea huh

SCOTT: nope

ME: yea huh again to infinity to the infinity power

Yea so we're crazy; of course you already knew that didn't you?

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

A Cute Couple?!

Scott and I used to make fun of all those couples that were really cutesy and silly with each other. I think we even made a pact not to act like that, but now I've come to the realization that we are a cute couple! Lucky for you all out there we only do the 'cute' thing in private, but still it's quite amusing.

Scott refuses to be even semi cute when he's around the guys - I can call him any absurd name on the phone and he refuses to get back at me since he'd have to use another horrible pet name; we still won't stoop to using pet names other than the standard "hon", "babe", etc. so when I call him 'pookie' or something similar it's just in jest and we will continue to one-up the other person until we run out of comebacks. I guess that in and of itself is the dreaded "cute" but it's not as bad as "snookums", "honeybear", "pookie", or the other sundry names out there by any means.

How is it that totally normal, intelligent people become nauseatingly "cute" when they fall in love?

Monday, December 12, 2005

Heard in Chem office hours...

My Chem TA got engaged last Sunday; I was in her office when she was telling all the girls present her story. :) Anyway, she mentioned something I found interesting when explaining why she's planning a wedding for MARCH OF 2006! One of the girls asked her why she was moving so fast and one of her reasons was that she figures if you get engaged you should get married as soon as possible - otherwise you 'aren't truly sure' about the marriage idea. She quickly clarified that she meant that not as a bad thing, but just that she is totally sure and thus wants to make it official as soon as she can.

This comment got me thinking; sure there are plenty of other reasons why Scott and I are waiting 2.5 years, not the least of which is a lack of income, changes in financial aid status, and the stress of starting a new stage in life while dealing with classes and such, but are we really not truly sure if this is the right decision?

I have to say no. I think all couples have doubts every once in a while about if they know what they're getting into, but Scott and I have talked about those things and we're comfortable with where we are. Even with the doubts that pop up every once in a while, this whole engagement thing just seems right. Sometimes you just have to go with your heart. :)

So it's 2.5 years and counting for us, and I'm cool with that, even if it seems like forever right now.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

A quote

"Two are better than one;
Because they have a good reward for their labor.
For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow,
But woe to him that is alone when he falls,
for he has not another to help him up.
And if two lie together then they have warmth,
but how can one be warm alone?
And if one prevail against him,
two shall withstand him."

- Ecclesiastes, 1:9:12

I love this quote. :) It was at the beginning of one of the books I'm reading and it caught my eye as soon as I saw it. I wonder if there's some way to use it in the wedding - invitations perhaps? Hehe always thinking as you can see.

I think I know what song I'm using at the end of the ceremony - Let There Be Peace On Earth - it's a different version that is used to close each service at my church; everyone gets in a circle around the sanctuary and holds hands while singing and I think it just connects everyone in a great way, just what I'd like at my wedding I think. :)

Friday, December 09, 2005


I got my first piece of jewelry as a gift from a boy for Christmas this year! Scott had been teasing me about getting me an awesome gift this year - he knows I have no patience for surprises lol - he certainly was right. I am now the proud owner of a beautiful silver heart pendant necklace; it's my fav necklace already and I love it of course. :)

So many girls don't have a guy who can be trusted to pick out good gifts, but mine certainly can; I guess I'm just lucky like that.

I hope Scott'll like what I'm getting him this year. I got an idea a few months ago, but finally got around to getting it rolling this past week. His dad's fiance, Shelly, is helping me. I told Scott this and he can't figure out what I'm up to - it's great! Turn around is fair play after all, isn't it? I'd let everyone in on the secret, but I know Scott reads the blog, so obviously I can't do that until after I give it to him sometime next week. Stay tuned!