Monday, December 12, 2005

Heard in Chem office hours...

My Chem TA got engaged last Sunday; I was in her office when she was telling all the girls present her story. :) Anyway, she mentioned something I found interesting when explaining why she's planning a wedding for MARCH OF 2006! One of the girls asked her why she was moving so fast and one of her reasons was that she figures if you get engaged you should get married as soon as possible - otherwise you 'aren't truly sure' about the marriage idea. She quickly clarified that she meant that not as a bad thing, but just that she is totally sure and thus wants to make it official as soon as she can.

This comment got me thinking; sure there are plenty of other reasons why Scott and I are waiting 2.5 years, not the least of which is a lack of income, changes in financial aid status, and the stress of starting a new stage in life while dealing with classes and such, but are we really not truly sure if this is the right decision?

I have to say no. I think all couples have doubts every once in a while about if they know what they're getting into, but Scott and I have talked about those things and we're comfortable with where we are. Even with the doubts that pop up every once in a while, this whole engagement thing just seems right. Sometimes you just have to go with your heart. :)

So it's 2.5 years and counting for us, and I'm cool with that, even if it seems like forever right now.


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