Monday, October 30, 2006

Beginning Year 2 of the Engaged Life!

Wow! Hard to believe Scott and I have been engaged for a year now. I think the last year has brought us even closer - more time together, constantly figuring out how to communicate better, working through another summer separated by many miles, etc. Now we embark on Year Two, and with it lots of new adventures and trials I'm sure.

In May I graduate and while I don't know where I'll end up, I know Scott will be staying at Purdue for another year after me, so it'll be LDR fun again. :\ Starting in June, or whenever I'm done moving, I'll begin wedding planning in earnest - only just over 18 mo from now until it's official!! Once I'm settled in my new place and job, I'll be adding a second dog to the pack - he'll be immediately put into training for his role as co-ring bearer for our 2007 nuptials lol. I'm sure there will be plenty more new experiences for us as a couple, but hey so far we seem to be doing pretty well if I do say so myself. :)

Each time I think I can't possibly love Scott more, I prove myself wrong. Yay for Year 2!